Facing court without a lawyer in Birmingham?
Our service, run in partnership with Birmingham City University, exists to help people facing court without representation in Birmingham. We can help at all stages of the court process.
Operating hours
Our face to face drop in service is open Monday – Friday from 9:30am to 4:30pm. Please note, the office will close for lunch between 12.30pm to 1.30pm and last entry is at 4pm. We also offer in-person appointments, which can be booked below.
0121 285 2080
Our phone line does not receive calls from withheld numbers. Please ensure that you are calling with your number available. Should you need to call in anonymously, please send us an e mail to discuss arrangements. Our email address is: birmingham@supportthroughcourt.org
Office address
Support Through Court
3rd Floor
Birmingham Civil Justice Centre
33 Bull Street
West Midlands
B4 6DS
Further information
See more information on Birmingham Civil and Family Justice Centre website.