Facing court without a lawyer in Cardiff?
We can help at all stages of the court process whether you are making or responding to an application.
Operating hours
Due to limited capacity we currently only offer a by-appointment service. To make an appointment please email us at cardiff@supportthroughcourt.org.
Opening times: Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4.00pm
0292 277 0348
Our phone line does not receive calls from withheld numbers. Please ensure that you are calling with your number available.
Office address
Support Through Court
Cardiff Civil and Family Justice Centre
2 Park Street
South Wales
CF10 1ET
Further information
See more information on the Cardiff Civil and Family Justice Centre website.
Media enquiries should be directed to: press.enquiries@Supportthroughcourt.org
Yn wynebu’r llys heb gyfreithiwr yng Nghaerdydd?
Gallwn eich helpu gyda phob cam o’r broses gyfreithiol, boed i chi’n dechrau neu’n ymateb i gais.
Oriau gweithio
Ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn cynnig gwasanaeth trwy apwyntiad yn unig. I drefnu apwyntiad, cysylltwch trwy anfon e-bost i cardiff@supportthroughcourt.org.
Oriau agor: Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener 9.30yb – 4.00yp
Trefnwch apwyntiad:
0292 277 0348
Nid yw ein llinell ffôn yn derbyn galwadau oddi wrth rifau cudd. Gofynnwn i chi sicrhau bod eich rhif yn dangos wrth alw.
Cyfeiriad y swyddfa
Support Through Court
Cardiff Civil and Family Justice Centre
2 Park Street
South Wales
CF10 1ET
Mwy o wybodaeth
Mae mwy o wybodaeth am Ganolfan Gyfiawnder Sifil a Theuluol Caerdydd ar gael yma.
Dylid cyfeirio ymholiadau’r cyfryngau at: press.enquiries@supportthroughcourt.org
Opening hours, address and contact information for all of our locations.