We are an award-winning legal charity with over 600 dedicated volunteers, operating across England and Wales. We help people facing civil and family courts alone, empowering them to represent themselves in court. Last year our volunteers helped people on over 50,000 occasions.
How we help people
We provide a safe space, with volunteers who listen to each client’s individual story. We help people to get their thoughts in order, problem-solve and decide next steps, source relevant and reliable legal information, explain complex procedures, complete court forms, and clearly present statements. Our practical and emotional support alleviates clients’ concerns about the complicated legal system.
Last year 95% of clients last said that our volunteers helping them made procedures clearer and made them feel better prepared. Our partnerships with HMCTS, legal clinics and third-sector organisations enable us to source complimentary specialist support for clients, such as domestic abuse or homelessness charities, and legal support if it’s available.
A cost-effective legal charity
We have low overheads as the courts and universities in which we operate donate our office space and utilities. Our reliance on volunteers to deliver our core activities allows us to keep staff numbers low, ensuring we can support one person at a cost of £32 to our funders. Please note, that our service is free at the point of access.