How we can and can’t help
We support people facing the family and civil courts without representation. We provide practical support and information where we can be effective. Unfortunately we can’t help people going through the criminal courts. If you might benefit from help elsewhere, like when legal advice is needed, we will let you know we can’t help, and where possible signpost you elsewhere. This will ensure you and all our clients are receiving the right level of help you need and deserve.
For areas we are unable to support with, please view our Signposting Guide for suggestions on where you might be able to find more information and/or assistance. Please note that the list below is subject to change without notice.
How we can support you
- In person support in a court where we have a local service
- Child arrangements
- Divorce
- Non-molestation orders
- Occupation orders
- Special guardianship orders
- Application notice for cases within the list of issues we can help with (N244)
- Application to suspend eviction
- Attachment of earnings
- Employment (ET1, referral to ACAS and remote support at hearings)
- Enforcement (county court and stay of execution for defendants)
- Possession order
- Probate (where under inheritance tax threshold)
- Small claims (claims below £10,000)
- Warrant of control
- Warrant of possession
- Witness statements
We can’t support with
- Applications to start proceedings when the deadline has passed
- Bundles
- In person/remote support in hearings for matters that we do not assist with
- Adoption orders/applications to revoke adoption orders
- Appeals
- Child maintenance
- Court of protection
- Discharging a care order
- Emergency protection order
- Form E
- Public law cases
- Section 25 statements
- Appeals
- Bankruptcy
- Civil injunctions
- Enforcement in the high court
- Human rights breaches
- Immigration
- Issuing a Section 8 or Section 21 notice
- Judicial review
- Medical negligence
- Office of the Public Guardian
- Part 8 claims (N208)
- Personal injury
- Skeleton arguments
- Welfare benefits
- Writ of Control

Signposting Guide
For areas we are unable to support with, please view our signposting guide for suggestions on where you may be able to find assistance.